Get quick answers to your questions with our list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Are your services covered by insurance?

Most of our services are covered by insurance, and we accept all major insurance plans used in Michigan. However, your insurance will be verified before starting therapy.

What is the duration and frequency of therapy sessions?

Session duration and frequency can vary depending on client needs. However, the most common schedule involves 50-minute weekly sessions for the first 6 weeks to establish rapport. After the initial 6 weeks, both the clinician and client decide on the best frequency, which can be weekly, biweekly, or monthly for maintenance. Some children benefit from 30-40 minute sessions due to attention span, and adults may opt for shorter sessions in maintenance mode.

How is confidentiality handled?

Our software is HIPAA compliant to ensure the confidentiality of your completed paperwork, and our Telehealth sessions use HIPAA-compliant software as well. Clinicians will explain confidentiality further in the first session, and all our clinicians are licensed and trained to safeguard your information. However, there are some exceptions, such as when a client poses a threat to themselves or others or when progress notes are subpoenaed by a court judge. In these cases, our clinicians provide only the minimal information required to address the situation. Clients will sign a confidentiality agreement upon entering treatment.

Do you offer Telehealth or online sessions?

Yes, we do, and we use HIPAA-compliant software to protect your information. However, in-person sessions are generally preferred for children due to their effectiveness. We aim for a hybrid model where in-person sessions are available if the client can attend, and Telehealth is used as needed, either by patient request or in cases of bad weather or limited travel options.

What is your cancellation policy?

Our general policy requires a 24-hour notice in case you can't make your session. Each clinician in our practice has their own policy regarding fees associated with late cancellations or 'no-shows.' There is no charge for emergency cancellations.

How do I know which therapist or treatment approach is right for me?

Our clinical director will review your paperwork and speak with you before your first session. They will use your feedback and their expertise to match you with a therapist they believe will be effective for you. You will know if the therapist and treatment approach are right for you if you feel safe, not judged, comfortable opening up, and see improvement or insight developing as you continue treatment.

Can I switch therapists if I feel it's not a good fit?

Certainly, you can. Just reach out to the main number and let us know what is not working, and we will be happy to switch you to another therapist!

Do you offer group therapy or workshops?

Yes, we do! We offer a variety of groups that you can review on the main page of our website. We also offer a body-spirit-mind workshop that runs by inquiry only. This workshop includes meditation, mindfulness, and body movement (i.e., yoga) followed by a session.

When was Satnam Rising founded?

Satnam Rising was originally founded in 2007 under a different name and has had various names since then. It also provides services to domestic violence organizations, court advocacy, self-care retreats, and yoga classes.

What is the focus of Satnam Rising?

Our focus is to provide high-quality care so that our clients can achieve optimal well-being while discovering their 'true selves.'

What types of therapies does Satnam Rising offer?

We offer a variety of therapeutic interventions, but our primary model is Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Our main page lists all the therapy interventions we offer.

What makes Satnam Rising unique?

Our clinicians have all chosen this path because they feel it is their 'true calling.' They are authentic and passionate about what they do. Our operation feels more like a 'family' than a business.

How does Satnam Rising personalize its care?

Our clinicians are dynamic enough to modify or add treatment options. We truly listen to our clients and don't mind adjusting any treatment style to suit our clients' specific needs. Our clinicians can break apart treatment philosophies and deliver them in a style that is most amenable to our clients. Our clients guide their treatment. For example, some clients enjoy watching videos of interventions, while others prefer role-playing or reading about interventions and practicing them on their own at home. Our goal is to deliver treatment in the way our clients are willing to receive it.

Who are the professionals at Satnam Rising?

Our team of clinicians all hold master's degrees and have Michigan licenses, indicating they have completed the required coursework, hours, and exams to treat their clients. They are creative, open-minded, and adhere to safety and ethical standards in their practice. Our clinicians work independently, but they also collaborate with their peers when needed.

Can Satnam Rising help with life transitions and anger management?

Yes, it can. Many of our clients come to us during life transitions, which can bring on anxiety and/or depression. Anger management can be included in individual treatment or offered in a group setting.

Is Satnam Rising suitable for those with substance dependence issues?

Yes, it is suitable. Most of our clinicians are trained and experienced in handling substance dependence, and our clinical director holds an advanced certificate in drug and alcohol addiction. Our practice provides outpatient services which is recommended once clients have completed inpatient services. We also see clients who are court-ordered.

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